Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reviving the Spirit

Today we got back to church. We love our church but it has been a few weeks since we have been. God knew I was going today because the message was perfect and really inspiring. The reading was from Genesis and we talked about the story of Joseph. It reiterated to me that God is always there. Even more so when things seem to be going wrong. As I mentioned before this year has been a very stressful year for my family. I have constantly had to remind myself that God has a plan for us even though we don't see it. Sometimes I wasn't so sure if I believed that and other times it was the only thing that kept me going. I guess we all have questioned God's motives from time to time. I do have to say that all these trials have brought my entire family closer to the Lord.

On another note, we sat down tonight to complete the quickie budget from our Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class. Ugh is all I can really say. It certainly gave us a little perspective on where we stand. A bit stressful seeing it all on paper but also inspiring in a strange sort of way. We have also started our $1,000 emergency fund (Baby Step #1). We are only $100 into it but it is more of an emergency fund than we have ever had. :/ Our next class is Tuesday and I am ready to see what we learn next!

1 comment:

  1. hey, $100 IS more than $0! :) That baby step is the first step, and that's all that matters! I am excited to see what y'all learn tomorrow!



About Me

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My name is Callie and I live in Kennesaw, GA. I play supermom to 2 of my own wonderful kiddos and to 1 awesome step-son! I enjoy sports, spending time with my family, traveling, and just enjoying life.